
Sankarabharanam song lyrics
Sankarabharanam song lyrics

The svastAna gamaka in these two svaras (SR,S and PD,P) are beautiful.The extent of oscillation in madhyama is variable. This sedateness is balanced by the gambhIratva that is created by the strong oscillation of riShabha and dhaivata. This accounts for the classy, proportionate melodic structure of the rAga, and also to its sobriety. Even if we observe the scalar arrangement of shankarAbharaNam, it can be noted that there is an alternate succession of plain and kampita svaras. Sometimes N admits of mild oscillation too, as in phrases like N,SRGMGGRSN, but even in such instances, niShAdam sounds more like an anusvara to ShaDja, though it is intoned as N. This factor easily distinguishes this rAga from kalyANi, which admits of wide kampitam in these two svaras.

sankarabharanam song lyrics

gAndhAra and niShAda are just characterized by nokku. Similarly the absence of kampita in niShAda is also significant. The heart of shankarAbharaNam rests in the conspicuously plain antara gAndhAra, that produces a soothing effect amidst the tIvra riShabha, dhaivata and kampita madhyama. He specifies that usages such as S'\DP,- S'N(d)P,- S'(d)P, -M/P(g)R,S contribute largely to the ranjakatva of the rAga.Though it is generally referred to as a sarva svara gamaka varika rakti rAga, and that too a major rAga giving endless scope for elaboration, there are certain restrictions when it comes to the gamaka patterns. He points out the 'nokku's for riShabha, gAndhAra, dhaivata and niShAda in the ascent and the 'odukkal's and 'iRakka jAru's for all the vikrta svaras in the descent. He says all the svaras contribute equally to the rAga's rakti, though ShaDja is the main graha, amsa and nyAsa svara. niShAdam, gAndhAram, madhyamam and pancamam are the jIva svaras. This shuddha madhyama here acts as a bridge and balances the tIvra svaras of the pUrvAnga and the uttarAnga, thus sustaining the innate sublimity of the melody throughout.Subbarama Dikshitar states that it is the unanimous opinion of the pUrvAcAryas that shankarAbharaNam is the most superior amongst all ragas. Also, all svaras excepting the madhyamam, are tIvra svaras. It is not surprising that the rAga is so appealing to the senses and that it instantly ushers in a mood of sublimity considering that there is so much of samvAditva or consonance inherent in its structure. Thus it is one of those uttama mELas having samvAdi pairs for all the svaras, like S-M1, S-P, R2-P, R2-D2 & G3-N3. S-R2, M1-P & P-D2: chatushruti interval R2-G3 & D2-N3: trishruti interval G3-M1 & N3-S : dvishruti interval. It may be of interest to observe the well-distributed svara intervals of shankarAbharaNa scale. The svaras are ShaDja, catushruti riShabha, antara gAndhAra, shuddha madhyama, pancama, catushruti dhaivata and kAkali niShAda. It has always maintained the status of a major parent rAga, giving rise to a number of janya ragas.Being the 29th mELa, shankarAbharaNam is one of the six mELas that can boast of possessing symmetrical tetra chords in the scale arrangement, the other five being kanakAngi, hanumatODi, mAyAmALavagauLa, kharaharapriya and calanATa.

sankarabharanam song lyrics

We have bilAval thAT of Hindustani music which corresponds to shankarAbharaNam. The rAga was very much in practice in the Ancient Tamil Music system as a sampUrNa scale known by the name paN pazhampanjuram. This rAga is only the nishAda mUrchana of the ancient ShaDja grAma scale and was known as ranjani in the mUrchana-jAti system.

sankarabharanam song lyrics

Besides, most of the works on music have classified it as an important mELa.

sankarabharanam song lyrics

Even in the 12th Century, it was classified as a rAgAnga rAga by Parsvadeva, and it is one of the pUrva prasiddha rAgAnga ragas listed by Sarangadeva. Rightly has it been referred to as 'rAga rAjasya mELakaha' in the Chaturdandiprakasika. Almost similar to the Major Diatonic scale, or the C Major of Western music, this rAga enjoys a regal status in the realm of Indian music. ShankarAbharaNam is a melody that enjoys great importance universally, in almost all the systems of music, from time immemorial. Mahalakshmi Jaganmata-Shankarabharanam-Adi-Papanasam Sivan.mp3 =>Lyrics


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Sankarabharanam song lyrics