
Tv tropes dragon age 2 characters
Tv tropes dragon age 2 characters

Anti-Villain: Captain Selachi and the Elasmonite Pirates may operate on the behalf of Draconis Automata, but their reasons for doing so are that Draconis Automata conquered Elasmonia and conscripted everyone in it, with the town and all its residents being left to die by the Hunter's Guild and various militaries for its association with poverty and crime, being a modest port town that housed pirates and poachers with nowhere else to go.Animal Wrongs Group: The Children of Gaia are a group of militants obsessed with protecting nature above all else, attempting to violently overthrow the Hunter's Guild and coax other Riders into releasing their Monsties due to seeing them as perpetuators of slavery and abuse towards monsters, and intend to use Xipec Auztecol to convert entire villages and towns into forests that could be used as monster habitats, whether people live in them or not.Ambiguous Gender: It is not exactly clear what gender Morgan is, with the Felyne being referred to with neutral pronouns and having a gender-neutral name.As a result, if the player chooses to wipe them out, they will gain approval and fame from all factions, both good and evil, and they are among the few characters whose deaths result in Good Karma for the player. Even those who are willing to do business with them, such as the Dengeki Triad, abhor them as a whole and only work with them out of convenience. Always Chaotic Evil: Nilgorai and the Conquerors of the Void are feared and despised by everyone outside of their circles due to their wanton, indiscriminate cruelty, backstabbing tendencies, omnicidal goals, affinity for human trafficking and torture, complete lack of empathy, inability to be reasoned or bargained with, and having little motivation for their evil acts beyond simple amusement and sadism.This includes the player, who they frame for a string of murders directed at Guild officials. There is a reason why it was built like this: it is the secret laboratory of the Dengeki Triad, who use it to craft artificial monsters for use in protection rackets and forcibly silence anyone who would dare to criticize or rival them. The Alcatraz: Achirynce Prison, a privately-owned prison located on a distant island in the middle of nowhere that is noticeable for its very tight security measures and secrecy, to the point where no prisoners have ever been recorded escaping it, and even the Hunter's Guild has no idea what goes on beneath the surface due to inspectors either going missing or coming up with insufficient information on it.Evil-aligned players can be this if they choose the "nice" dialogue options.She also displays a cordial, upbeat attitude, is impressed with the player's accomplishments, treats her subordinates with respect, dotes on her Voltoko companion Dahlia (whom she kept hidden from the Ethereal Kinghts out of awareness towards their hatred of Lynians), and genuinely sympathizes with the plight of the people of Elasmonia despite the Ethereal Knights' stance on non-human races. Catherine Razlov is a subversive Guild Knight who exploits and even creates natural disasters with the aide of her Monsties and acts as a mole for the Ethereal Knights, divulging classified information in exchange for them providing her with EX Monsters that she and her crew of Sky Scavengers can use as part of a protection racket.He's also a self-serving highwayman who'll attack combatants and non-combatants alike to acquire their goods, with one of the first things he does on-screen being the mugging of a wealthy family with no combat experience, and isn't above exploiting disasters to further his profits, raiding villages and towns that are under attack to line his pockets some more. Even if he defeats the player in battle, he'll encourage them to get better because he sees their potential.


Angelo Carmine is very courteous towards the player, offering them free wine, talking to them in a pleasant manner, respecting their decision to buy or not buy his wares, and is entirely honest about the effects of his goods.

Tv tropes dragon age 2 characters